Photo Credit: Kim Cassida
Who we are
We are a dedicated collaboration of researchers, educators, outreach specialists, farmers, and stakeholders from more than 20 universities, farmer organizations, industry, and government agencies from across the US. We are exploring the many ways perennial forages and crop diversification can improve agricultural resilience and increase ecological benefits of farming.
Our project has six main objectives with a coordinating committee overseeing the project. Each objective has a team compiled of experts to complete each objective. Learn more about our teams below.
Our goal is to work as a transdisciplinary unit. Transdisciplinary refers to an approach that involves collaboration and integration of knowledge and skills from different disciplines or fields of study to address complex problems. In a transdisciplinary approach, experts from diverse fields work together to integrate their knowledge and skills, to develop a shared understanding of the problem they are trying to solve. This approach recognizes that many problems faced by society today are complex and interconnected and cannot be solved by a single discipline or perspective. Therefore, it is necessary to bring together experts from different fields to work collaboratively to address these problems. A transdisciplinary approach often leads to innovative solutions that are more effective than those developed by a single discipline alone. Learn more about transdisciplinary approach here.
Diverse Perennial Forages
Identify current dominant and appropriate diverse perennial forage systems in major agroecoregions, and characterize forages, crops, and livestock practices, markets, and farmer demographics, motivations, and barriers for adoption.
Agronomy & Agroecology
Assess resilience and quantify provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services of current and diverse perennial forage systems by modeling and exploring alternative future scenarios.
Assess the economic and social value of ecosystem services and risk management for society; identify potential market failures and missing markets that would otherwise support adoption of diverse perennial forage systems.
Identify policy measures including crop insurance, lending, and subsidies to incentivize diverse perennial forage systems at state and federal levels.
Extension & Outreach
Conceive a new narrative, develop actionable tools, and communicate concepts to farmers, consumers, lenders, and policy makers about the benefits of diverse perennial forage systems.
Educational Tools
Develop and incorporate instructional content for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate courses on design, and assessment of diverse perennial forage systems, resilience, ecosystem services, and economic value.
Amanda AshworthNational Organization
Serkan AtesFaculty
Oregon State University
Scott BassettFaculty
University of Nevada – Reno
Marisol BertiFaculty
North Dakota State University
Jasmine BontragerGraduate Student
Michigan State University
Linda BrewerFaculty Research Assistant
Oregon State University
Amanda BrucchieriGraduate Student
University of Maryland
Charles BrummerFaculty
University of California- Davis
Cornelia Butler FloraFaculty
Iowa State University
Steve CampbellNational Organization
Michael CaslerNational Organization
Kim CassidaFaculty
Michigan State University
Andrea CecchinResearch Scientist
North Dakota State University
Marilia ChiavegatoFaculty
Ohio State University
Sarah CollierFaculty
University of Washington
Dan Cornelius
Inter-Tribal Agricultural Council
Christopher DalyFaculty
Oregon State University
Jose DubeuxFaculty
University of Florida
Alison EagleSustainable Ag. Scientist
Environmental Defense Fund
Alexandre Fameli MammanaGraduate Student
Ohio State University
Di FangFaculty
University of Florida
Ann FinanFaculty
St. Cloud State University
Jamie FosterFaculty
Texas A & M University
Jose FrancoNational Organization
Stefan GailansNGOs
Practical Farmers of Iowa
John GrabberNational Organization
Amanda GrevFaculty
University of Maryland
Shelby GrussFaculty
Iowa State University
John GuretzkyFaculty
University of Nebraska
David HannawayFaculty
Oregon State University
Heidi HillhouseResearch Scientist
University of Nebraska
David HinmanFarmer
Alfalfa Farmer
Nina Ichikawa
Berkeley Food Institute
Mrill IngramNGOs
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Anowar IslamFaculty
New Mexico State University
Matthew JenkinsGraduate Student
University of Nebraska
Emory JohnsonGraduate Student
University of Arkansas
Gordon JonesFaculty
Oregon State University
Jacob JungersFaculty
University of Minnesota
James KellsFaculty
University of Nebraska
Margaret KromeNGOs
Michael Fields Ag. Institute
Anastasia KurthGraduate Student
North Dakota State University
William LampFaculty
University of Maryland
William LazarusFaculty
University of Minnesota
James Lee MitchellFaculty
University of Arkansas
Fred LutziNational Organization
Savanna Institute
Scott MarlowNational Organization
Logan MarshallGraduate Student
University of Texas – Arlington
Rebecca McCulleyFaculty
University of Kentucky
Erin MeierNGOs
Green Lands Blue Waters
David Mickelson
S&W Seed Company
Virginia MooreFaculty
Cornell University
Cristine MorganNational Organization
Soil Health Institute
Haley MosquedaGraduate Student
North Dakota State University
Dave MouatFaculty
Desert Research Institute
Marta Moura KahmannFaculty
University of Wisconsin
Renata NaveFaculty
University of Tennessee
Christopher PenroseFarmer
Farmer and American Forage and Grassland Council
Valentin PicassoFaculty
University of Wisconsin
Aaron ReserNGO
Green Lands Blue Waters
Chris RingoFaculty
Oregon State University
Alex RocateliFaculty
Oklahoma State University
Alejandro RudenGraduate Student
University of Florida
John RuedingerFarmer & NGO
Ruedinger Farms Inc.
Robert SalernoGraduate Student
University of Maryland
Ricardo SalvadorNational Organization
Union of Concerned Scientist
Brandon ScottGraduate Student
Michigan State University
Alina SmolskyaGraduate Student
University of Minnesota
Lynn SollenbergerFaculty
University of Florida
Andrew StevensFaculty
University of Wisconsin
Jianzhong SuFaculty
University of Texas – Arlington
Virginia SykesFaculty
University of Tennessee
Joel TallaksenResearch Scientist
University of Minnesota
Nicole TautgesNGOs
Michael Fields Ag. Institute
Jennifer TuckerFaculty
University of Georgia
Edzard van SantenFaculty
University of Florida
Jeffrey J. VolenecFaculty
Purdue University
Marcello WallauFaculty
University of Florida
Goujie WangFaculty
Penn State University
Coral WeinstockNGOs
Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
Chuck WestFaculty
Texas Tech University
Carol WilliamsProject Coordinator
University of Wisconsin
Yajun WuFaculty
South Dakota State University
Adam YakubaGraduate Student
University of Wymoning